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    Saturday, January 12, 2013

    Last December, I had the opportunity to visit one of the annexes of San Isidro National High School (SINHS), the Pag-Oring Nuevo High School. It's situated near my cousin's family residence--she's actually a student of PNHS.

    For you to have an idea where it is, if you're in Pag-Oring Nuevo Elementary School (I just wish you've been here), facing the Principal's Office, the PNHS is a little angle, north east of it. PNHS though is far-off many steps away from the Elementary School. I wondered why for I believe it would be better if the PNHS is just right beside the Pag-Oring Nuevo Elementary School just like SINHS with Libmanan South Central School.

    Anyway as Meylen Gamosa describes it, PNHS is a 42-steps above the road and it takes a little effort for you to get above. But for me, taking steps is nevertheless fun and invigorating rather than exhausting because of the fresh air and the surrounding is just environment-friendly! If I am a teacher, that would be inspiring too knowing that there are students waiting for me at the top hungry for my lessons and knowledge to share!

    Here are some photos I've taken during my visit.
    You've figured it out. There are only few facilities at the school. There are only like 4 or 5 class rooms that can accommodate all the students, only one room of which is fully concrete and it is being occupied by 4th year students.

    Students here, as it is still a SINHS sibling, wear the same uniforms and attending classes as usual. I know it's a bit different experience being at SINHS though but I can hope for the best that this school will grow and improve just like its big brother!

    The school is currently under supervision of Mr. Efren Rufino O. Gamosa, TIC.

    If you have any thoughts, drop them at the comment section below. I'd love to hear from you!

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