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Welcome to San Isidro National High School Alumni Group website. Find your peers, plan your reunion or gathering and share the happiness to the world!

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    Keep posted of the latest happenings in San Isidro National High School, its students and other current events.

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    Just had a reunion? Share your experience along with some cool photos and we'll feature it here! Take a look at some of our collections of alumni reunions!

    Saturday, February 9, 2013

    Pag-Oring Nuevo High School students are busy practicing their dance presentation for the upcoming Foundation Day to be held in San Isidro National High School this coming February 14, 2013. The assigned MAPEH teachers for each year level are also there to support their students. Each year level students will show their talents in dancing--My first year students will perform an ethnic dance mass demo.

    Here are some of the pictures during their practice.

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