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    Saturday, January 12, 2013

    An excerpt from an article written by Reid Davis Esmabe and published in Skylark, the official publication of San Isidro National High School some time in SY 2005-2006, this timeline (in reverse chronological order) shows the list of Principals of SINHS and a short information about their achievement or contribution in improving the school.

    2004 - Mr. Venancio C. Pimentel, Principal II, replaced Mrs. Esmabe (Oct. 18, 2004).

    1994- 2004 - Mrs. Emily B. Esmabe replaced Mrs. Oriño and attended to more improvement of the school's physical facilities. The school was renamned San Isidro National High School.

    1984-1994 - Mrs. Gloria A. Oriño was the new administrator who, by DECS Order # 41 s. 1998, worked on adopting the name San Isidro Nationalized High School.

    1981 - Mrs. Elizabeth P. Palo took the helm as the first Secondary School Principal I of the school.

    1976 - Mr. Jaime Orcine took over as Asst. Principal

    1975 - There was an increase in student population. Mr. Faustino E. Galvo was the Asst. Principal.

    1972- 1974 - San Isidro Barrio high School changed its name to San Isidro Barangay High School (DECS Order # 46 s. 74) with Asst. Principal Mr. Jaime B. Villamora.

    1970- 1971 - Some school buildings were built under the administration of Mrs. Encarnacion R. Aguja, Asst. Principal.

    1965 - Mr. Jovito M. Palo Sr. established San Isidro Barrio High School with the help of parents and Barangay Council, with him as Asst. Principal.

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